એક એવા સમાજનું ઘડતર કરવું જે સર્વ પરીસ્થીતીમાં સંપુર્ણ પણે સ્વાધીન હોય. શીક્ષીત, નીરોગી, બુદ્ધીશાળી, ધ્યેહ લક્ષીને જાગૃત રહી જવાબદાર હોય. સર્વગુણ સંપન્ન બનવા ગતી શીલ હોય. સ્વ કલ્યાણ, લોક કલ્યાણ અને બહુજન હીતાય કાર્ય કરવા તત્ત્પર રહેતું હોય.
Shri K.V.O. Seva Samaj Association is outcome of dream of Shri Velji Lakhamshi Napu. It was established in 1947 registered under the (a) Public Charitable Trust Act 1950, Mumbai. Reg No. F-3064 (Bom) (b) Societies Reg. Act., 1860, Regd. No. 285/73 and (c) U/s 80-G of Income Tax Act No. DIT(E)/BE/MC/80-G/2636/99-00 valid upto 31-3-2002.
The Seva Samaj is committed to undertake the activities in the field of social, education, medical, personality development, cultural, housing, sports, games, woman development and upliftment of down trodden class of society and such other activities as decided by the Managing Committee and General Body from time to time. Its functions are as per Memorandum of Association registered with the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai.
It's accounts are presented to the General Body and filed with Charity Commissioner and Income Tax authorities. The activities of Shri K.V.O. Seva Samaj are completely done through donations received from public and donations received are exempted under Section 80G of Income Tax Act. The activities and functions of the Seva Samaj are performed and managed by a team as under Office Bearers:
It consists 6 members as under: • President - 1 • Vice-President - 1 • Secretaries - 3 • Treasurer - 1
The office bearers are elected from Managing Committee members. Managing Committee: It consists of 20 members out of which 15 are elected by the members of Seva Samaj and 5 members are co-opted. The tenure of Managing committee is for two years. All Ordinary Members and Life Members of Seva Samaj constitute General Body.
Seva Samaj has formed committees for each activity, headed by a convener. Seva Samaj has engaged office Staff consisting of seven persons who look after day to day work of the institution.
Let’s go beyond the call of duty to serve our people. Join hands to shape a better tomorrow.